Monday, November 26, 2012

VDP Shelf-It

How many times have you gotten into your vehicle and start to look for something…a cd, sunglasses…anything, only to not be able to find it, or find it stuck under or even between the seats?  This happens all the time no matter what type of vehicle you drive.  There simply is not enough room or not enough places to put all of the little things that we tend to accumulate and carry with us.

Imagine it 

That is where the VDP Shelf-It comes in.  This is a very innovative and useful accessory for your Jeep, truck or UTV.  Take a minute and go to your Jeep.  Look at the visors.  See where they connect?  Now look how easy it would be to remove them.  Now stop and think for a minute.  What if there was a product that you could install into the existing mounts for your visors.  This product would be in essence a shelf for you to store all of those little accumulated items.  This shelf would also have mounting brackets on the underside to remount your visors.  You would not lose any of the leg room, glove compartment room, console room or even your visors.  You would be utilizing space that was essentially wasted before.  You would be able to find all of your stuff quickly and easily.  Hmmm.  That bears some serious thought now doesn’t it?

Ok, you can come back to your computer now for the rest of this.

VDP Shelf-It is the very same product that we were just looking at our Jeep and dreaming about.  Just as I described to you before, it is easily installed and can hold all of the collected detritus in your vehicle.   Not only that, it also comes in three different colors.  You can choose from black, tan and white.  These can be ordered for Jeeps, trucks and UTVs.

Buy it

Ok, we have imagined it and realized that there is such a product already on the market.  Now we need to discover exactly which market it is on so we can buy it.  Easier done than said.   VDP lists a few authorized dealers on their web site, but the easiest way to do this is to perform a Google search.  You will get thousands of hits and be able to purchase from a dealer that you may already know and trust.  These are not expensive and relatively easy to buy.

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